Another thing stupid is the opening sequence.What's even worse is that you will fail them every time, making this really stupid. Awful Missions, like when you have to crouch for 60 seconds, and how you can't jump at all.The dumbest part is the only way to unlock a character in this game, is that you have to play a slot machine after you beat the Mission mode.Some of the characters like Naruto, Luffy, and Zoro can do Hidoken for weird reasons, which never happens in the manga or anime.Even Jump Ultimate Stars had a story mode, and it was much better on the DS, and was released few months after this game came out. The opening and ending makes no sense, either.
You get Zabuza's Blade, and you also have Goku's Power Pole, and what's worse is that it will limit your Lite attack to 1, which is very terrible. but more difficult character overall (especially with a multitude of buffs in the later patches of the game). Its battle abilities have been radically heightened, making it ruthless.